Toy Story 3 Review: Pixar Marathon

We’ve made it guys, the end of an era, the end of the era where Pixar was consistently good. What do we have to look forward too after this? Cars 2, Brave, The Good Dinosaur. Shit. Ok, I’m just going to have to look at the positives, I get to talk about Toy Story 3 which on rewatch might be my favourite Toy Story movie. Toy Story 3 has everything I could want from a movie. It’s… Continue reading Toy Story 3 Review: Pixar Marathon

Pixar Popcorn Season 1 Review

What I’m going to do is go through the episodes one-by-one, talk about them and give them a score. These will be spoiler-free but I will describe the premise and when something is a minute long the premise itself is half the joy of watching it. These are one-minute-long shorts as well so don’t expect my usual incredibly… Continue reading Pixar Popcorn Season 1 Review

Toy Story Review: Pixar Marathon

This is the movie marathon I’ve been most excited to start. Whilst I love Disney and will always have a place in my heart for the Disney Classics, Pixar is the best, and is better than Disney in almost every way (fight me). I’ve loved Pixar for as long as I can remember, I’ve always viewed them as the best animation studio ever (well Pixar and Studio Ghibli are probably tied, we’ll get to Studio Ghibli eventually don’t you worry). Continue reading Toy Story Review: Pixar Marathon

Knick Knack Review: Pixar Marathon

This is the last of my five mini-reviews on Pixar’s shorts before they made Toy Story. They’re all up on the website as well as my huge review of Toy Story so make sure to check them out afterwards. I’ll review Geri’s Game (which I almost wrote as Gerald’s Game after the Stephen king novel) when I write my A Bug’s Life review. I’ll review the shorts that came between the movies alongside the movies, if that makes sense. Anyway, Knick Knack. Knick Knack was directed and written by John Lasseter and once again showed John’s fascination with bringing toys to life. Continue reading Knick Knack Review: Pixar Marathon