Time Travel Mater Review: Pixar Marathon

From how much I’ve complained about the Cars Toons you’d think I hate the idea of a Cars television series. Nah I actually think the idea isn’t the worst, like I wouldn’t watch it, but I wouldn’t be against its existence, it’s just that this specific Cars themed selection of shorts are mostly trash. This was… Continue reading Time Travel Mater Review: Pixar Marathon

Air Mater Review: Pixar Marathon

So, does it have the same formula as the other Mater Tall Tales? Yeah, of course it does. Mater tells Lightning that he used to be able to fly and we get a flashback to Mater driving to a town inhabited by planes. The one interesting thing about watching these Cars shorts is a greater understanding of the deep layered Cars lore. It turns out that planes aren’t born with the ability to fly… Continue reading Air Mater Review: Pixar Marathon

Brave Review: Pixar Marathon

How was rewatching Cars 2 less painful than rewatching Brave? Don’t get me wrong Brave is a better movie than Cars 2 but I knew exactly what I was getting into with Cars 2, I couldn’t be disappointed by it because I didn’t expect anything from it. I remembered Brave being at least halfway decent which is what led me to be so disappointed… Continue reading Brave Review: Pixar Marathon

Cars 2 Review: Pixar Marathon

I’m in a weird position when it comes to Cars 2, on one hand, yeah, it’s the worst Pixar movie, but on the other hand I don’t think it’s awful, I just think it’s mediocre. It doesn’t do much right but it also doesn’t do much wrong, it’s the perfect 5 / 10. I also like the Cars franchise and believe all three movies are underrated to some extent. The hardest thing is defending a movie that… Continue reading Cars 2 Review: Pixar Marathon

Toy Story 3 Review: Pixar Marathon

We’ve made it guys, the end of an era, the end of the era where Pixar was consistently good. What do we have to look forward too after this? Cars 2, Brave, The Good Dinosaur. Shit. Ok, I’m just going to have to look at the positives, I get to talk about Toy Story 3 which on rewatch might be my favourite Toy Story movie. Toy Story 3 has everything I could want from a movie. It’s… Continue reading Toy Story 3 Review: Pixar Marathon

George and A.J. Review: Pixar Marathon

Out of the two Up shorts why was Dug’s Special Mission the one that was given an actual budget? George and A.J. is so much more interesting but is shown to us in a borderline unfinished state, this would have been amazing to see in anything more than a frame a second. I’m not sure if this was ever intended to be animated further, but it would have been cool to see because… Continue reading George and A.J. Review: Pixar Marathon

Dug’s Special Mission Review: Pixar Marathon

Dug’s Special Mission is alright but at the end of the day it annoys me that this got fully animated whilst the far superior Up short George & A.J. was left to be presented with nothing but a storyboard and keyframes. Dug’s Special Mission is charming but nothing else, it’s a midquel to Up… Continue reading Dug’s Special Mission Review: Pixar Marathon

Up Review: Pixar Marathon

There is a weird cycle that occurs on the internet where people will start hating something years after the fact. It’s cool if they’ve gone back to something and realised that it doesn’t hold up but this weird internet ritual isn’t that. My theory is that it’s a mix of them getting annoyed about seeing it everywhere, them being embarrassed by how obsessed they… Continue reading Up Review: Pixar Marathon

BURN-E Review: Pixar Marathon

Seeing another perspective on events is always interesting in media, Jack-Jack Attack gave us another perspective on the events of The Incredibles and BURN-E does the same for WALL-E. Whilst I love seeing another perspective it can easily fall flat, it’s really hard to give us a new angle on events without it… Continue reading BURN-E Review: Pixar Marathon

WALL-E Review: Pixar Marathon

You know last week when I said that Ratatouille was my favourite Pixar film? Well turns out I was wrong. I can safely say that I slightly prefer WALL-E the Ratatouille. I think Ratatouille is technically a slightly better movie, but WALL-E contains basically everything that I can’t get enough of when watching… Continue reading WALL-E Review: Pixar Marathon