Chicken Little Review: Disney Marathon

Let me take you back to 2005. You’re a Disney fan waiting to see what Disney does next. Disney hasn’t made a movie everyone loved since 2002 with Lilo & Stitch and every other animation studio were making classics at the time. Both Pixar and DreamWorks had created a classic only a year prior, with Pixar releasing the Incredibles and DreamWorks creating Shrek 2. But hey, Disney were moving away from hand drawn movies in favour of CGI movies which seemed to be working for everyone else. Disney then unironically presents to you Chicken Little. You sit there waiting for them to tell you that they’re kidding. Nope this is all you get. Many people regard Chicken Little as the worst Disney Classic. I disagree, it’s the third worst Disney Classic. As per usual I’m going to give Chicken Little a fair chance, there are some movies nobody likes that I love, and movies everyone loves that I think are overrated. And I did enjoy Chicken Little as a child so maybe it’s not terrible. Right? Continue reading Chicken Little Review: Disney Marathon